Tag Archives: Wellness

I Have to Get This Out of my System!

I Have to Get This Out of my System!

Here’s a little synopsis of the stuff that this guy has been saying about ketosis (oh, wait – keto-adaptation!) and I just need to share it:

Stuff Wesley said. . .

i think the best thing to do would completely cut out fruit/veggies/bread etc, because then your brain would run on ketones at the maximum
the brain runs better on ketones then on glucose, so it should do something”

> “besides, you cant store fat as fat, if you are overweight its because of carbs
the primary function of inulin is too prevent fat being used as fuel, and to store lots of fat and keep it in the adipose tissue
adhd is linked to a bad metabolisme of glucose, so the best thing to do is limit your carbs”

If this doesn’t make your brain hurt enough already, he provided a bunch of links. It started with an article talking about the dangers of ketosis (clearly one he linked without reading) then a blog that said “those people are stupid. I’m on Atkins and I’ve lost weight!”, and another to a study that showed an unspecified number of postmenopausal women had less narrowing of the arteries in the high-fat group than in the high-sugar group. Plus some links to supplements you could buy from the author of the site.

“haha boy, you seem to have been brainwashed
all ppl have an insulin/collagen ratio, if you eat a high carb diet you basicly are in “survival mode” because the main purpose of insulin is too make as much fat as possible, and block burning of fat, if you eat less carbs and more fat the ratio changes, more collagen, the main porpose of collagen is too INCREASE muscle mass, and reduce fat, there are no ketones made from muscle!! where did you get this nonsense from? your liver makes ketones from triglycerides! your muscles convert to glucose (but that doesnt happen very fast on a low carb diet), so there is no way to make ketones from muscles.
also i’d like to point out that being keto adapted (the proces takes 3 weeks) you will NOT be in ketosis, ketosis is a state were your body is still using glucose and spilling the ketones in the urine, usually the first weeks of a low carb diet.”

Of course. Ketosis gets better and goes away. They found that from the autopsies, I’m sure.

“yes, but all carbs (good or bad) rise insulin as much to stop the burning process of fat, and the main source of fuel for your body is fat.
i would avoid fibre as it scratches the delicate lining of the intestins and causes mucus and scarring, thats why this is very common by old ppl who eat like the “food pyramid””

Yes, the human body can’t handle fiber. . .

“you dont need to cut out sweeteners, aspartame is proven to be very safe at high doses! unlike the anti aspartame sites say, but they have no proof, thats important, allways look for studies etc..”

Unless your mind is already made up.

“i gues you didnt hear about glycation (but you do beleive bull**** about ketosis taking muscle protein:rolleyes
your blood sugar glucose, chemically attaches to proteins in your body, it doesnt need any enzymes glucose just attaches itself to any proteins it meets up with
the glycosylation process triggers chemical reactions that terminate with the creatin and piling up of irreversible croos-links between protein molecules that are in close contact with one another. One of the largest protein massas in the body is collagen (yea i was talking about glucagon, forgive me my bad translation) collagon the stuff that makes up the structure of your tissues and organs. and it gets whorse. Glucose binds to mucleic acids such as DNA, your genes, wich at that point become alle bound up. You won’t do a good job now at maintaining and repairing the wear and tear processes of daily life.

and these are bad:
a part of glucose of the glucose molecule reacts with a protein molecule and forms an unstable compound called a “schiff base”. This quickly changes its configuration known as an amadori product.

Now things get nasty, if amadori products remain in the body for weeks, months or years they slowly start to lose some of their water and rearrange their structure one again into a new type of glucose compound that forms IRREVERSIBLE structures, these are calles advanced glycosylation endproducts (AGEs) AGEs are yellow brown in color and are distinctly nasty and dangerous characters. They cross-link with one another and bind adjoining proteins.

Two amadori products may link as an AGE. From their study of diabetics researchers learned that the browning reaction damages the body.

plz read mly links carefully, they have a list of references you can check (dont tell me they sell anything) you seem to be falling for everything you read.”

Does your brain hurt yet? It should be becoming clear that he knows all about falling for everything you read.

“you links are pretty much behind, they still seem toe beleive saturated fat causes hearth desease, while the best research allready showed its insulin.”

Yeah, those folks at the American Heart Association, National Institute of Health, Mayo Clinic, UK National Health Ministry, et. al., are so behind the times. *sigh*

“besides no diet should be high proteinbesides, i dont think you know stefanson’s work? he lived on an all meat diet for a year being monitored in an hospital
and gues what his health improved

and i say it again, no zero carb diet causes ketosis, this is only when you are keto adapting”

OK, no carbs, no high protein. No fiber. I’m thinking this guy lives off blubber and Bacardi Breezers (which he advertises in his avatar.)

“oh and please, lets stop about what other scientists say, your diet is what most ppl are on, most ppl know about that one and tried it, i’m posting my experience with my diet and i try to help ppl.”

“but, you didnt try an all meat diet!
besides, all are bodies are basicly the same, humans are a carnivorian specie

sugar fuels cancer, so it accelerates cancer, but a zero carb diet doesnt prevent it tough just slows it”

I’ve looked everywhere, even in his links, and can’t find a single scientist who tells how to manage to eat an all-meat but protein free diet, much less outline its benefits.

“i gave you links, if you dont wonna take advice from me, do it from the ppl that lived their WHOLE life on such diet!!
the bear for instance eats only meat for 48 years
i’m sorry but i get very upset with this, you all complain about the adhd symptons, i did too, i tried this diet and my add allmost cured, so i tought i started learning the sience behind it
then i tought, hey i’l help the guys at this forum, because i posted here earlier
no-one even wants to READ all my links or even TRY it, read all the POSITIVE reactions of ppl that tried this diet

Why does a siencetist like richard veech who actually studies ketosis, call ketones MAGIC, he did prove that our brains run 25% more EFFICIENT on ketones, you can even read this on wikipedia! (wikipedia, an infallible source of factual information that can be updated by anyone who can get three friends to say, “yeah. What he said.”) the conclusion that ketones are not good is no scientific fact anymore, its been proven your body needs time to adaptfine you dont have to take advice from me, but pls listen to real scientists whith life experiece like dr greg ellis i posted the interview from, or barry groves? …”

“no! you gotta compare our digestive tracks with that off omnivores and herbivores, the conclusion is simple, they are the same as carnivoreswe also don’t have the complex teeth like omnivores do, so if we eat carbs and dont brush our teeth, they will rot away

why are you talking about his nickname? he was called the bear in high school, its just a nickname man…”

This last one was in response to a comment I made that if a bear can live for 48 years eating only meat, then maybe we should swim around and eat raw fish, instead, because sea turtles live 150 years on that diet.

“i said this allready, these links are not aware of keto adaption, all this side effect can only occur if you stay in ketosis for a very long time, and thats only possible when you eat like 200 grams of carbs every 2 weeksveech researched ketones and concluded that ketones are the preferred fuel for the brain and the hearth

you ignore my research? tell me one reasen why i should read a text of someone that is not aware of keto adaption?

no, once keto adapted alcohol won’t throw me out of ketosis (wich i aint in anymore) one there are ketones my cells won’t use glucose again even when its present
they only will when eating enough carbs to change the insulin glucagon ratio

its true that alcohol will throw me out of ketosis, but its time to make the difference between ketosis and keto adaption”

So this one had me splitting my sides. Here’s what I told him:

This has tremendous medical applications, you know. I researched “keto-adaptation” and it says nothing about it being a permanent metabological change. However, if what you are saying is true, then it could follow. . .

“I went to a two week yoga retreat. Now I will never again feel stress in my life.”

“I haven’t touched a drop of alcohol in a month. Now I can drink as much as I want and I won’t get drunk.”

“I got my legs waxed. Now I’ll never have to shave again.”

And the one that will make the most of us happier than anything. . .

“I’ve lost 40 pounds. Now I can eat whatever I want for the rest of my life.”

Just needed to put that in perspective. Now I completely understand the concept.

I Would Never Really Hurt Myself

I Would Never Really Hurt Myself

But between the Paxil withdrawal (heart palpitations, serious sleep deprivation over the last several weeks) and the allergies (congestion, sneezing, burning eyes and face, headache for two days now), plus the fact that I’m sticking to Weight Watchers very carefully and even added exercise with no evidence of weight loss, I’m feeling pretty all-around awful. Hating my life right now, feeling very sorry for myself, not seeing relief in my future. It’s bad, very bad. One of the wondrous things Paxil can do for you is induce suicidal thoughts, and I’d say that’s probably what’s happening. Pretty much ruins your whole day. I would never, ever, ever kill myself, but it sure would be a lot easier to ignore the stupid thoughts if I’d been getting more than 4-6 hours interrupted sleep a night for the last month and a half. I think I’m priming myself to join that class action suit against Glaxo-SmithKline.

Ickysucky Day

Ickysucky Day

Hyperemotional. Maybe it’s a paxil withdrawal thing. Maybe it’s hormones. Maybe it’s the old ADD emotions finally set free from Paxil. Whatever, I could do with a lot fewer days when tears are the first reaction to any setback. Too old for that shit. As they say.

At least the guy at the Toyota dealership knew I was serious that the seatbelt was broken, and wasn’t “fixed” by taking it apart and putting it back together. New one will be installed tomorrow, and I’ll get the nails that were ruined by the jammed seatbelt repolished next week. I can deal with the bumps and smudges until then.