I had a bit of fun today filtering my spam. I have spam bully, which a lot of people swear by, but all it does is put a bazillion messages into my spam folder instead of my mailbox, which means I have to go through the spam file looking for good messages instead of deleting the spam messages from my inbox. Doesn’t seem like much of a benefit to me.
So. . .I started entering words and phrases into the search just to see what happened. “Explosive” actually exceeded “penis”, but “your privacy is important to us” still ranks way up there.
If I could find something that would reliably block spam without making me work just as hard to find my good stuff among the spam, I’d be all over it like white on rice. I surf a lot, but I try to regularly clean out my cookies. However, there seem to be a lot of alisons out there who keep their mailboxes free of spam by signing onto sites with my e-mail addy – thereby guaranteeing that I get it instead. I have some choice words for them. They know what they are.
Do you have a spam filter that actually keeps messages out? No matter what I do, there are still senders who get through, message titles that get through, and damned if I’m gonna learn chinese, japanese, or russian to figure out if I’m missing out on the deal of a lifetime – keep non-english text out, too? I’m dying to know.