Tag Archives: Humor

Something Amusing

Something Amusing

Well, not amusing to everyone. Hubby doesn’t like LOLCats, so he doesn’t find LOL-anything funny. I get a kick out of some of them. This site had a clever idea of combining LOLCats and postsecret. Fun.

Of course, I also got a laugh from Loltheist, but a word of warning – it’s not for everyone. If you’re offended by blasphemy, stay away. I laughed, though. There are about five pages of images and at least a couple of good ones per page, IMO.

I was never a Lovecraft fan, but for people who are, there’s Lolthulhu. I think that captioning images of stuff that’s supposed to be demonic and frightening with words that are associated with cute and cuddly is kind of funny, even if you never read the books (or played the games).

And, of course, for the purist, here’s another source for LOLCat images.

Math and Music

Math and Music

I should be sanding. I should be exercising. Heck, I should be dressed! I really am going to get my day started, but I had to share this with you.

You know how “experts” are telling new parents how music improves their babies’ math skills? Well, this might just be proof that it works. Enjoy!