Tag Archives: Humor

Something for Laughs and Stuff

Something for Laughs and Stuff

Joel Veitch, the man who brought us spongmonkeys, has composed this little ditty that had me splitting my sides – especially good if you own a cat, but funny even if you don’t: http://www.rathergood.com/knees/

And here’s a silly little combination of the Black Knight scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail – and Star wars: http://youtube.com/watch?v=leEsz9ci5XE&search=black%20knight%2C%20star%20wars

And more Monty Python – this time with Star Trek, with thanks to Gayle and Barry: http://youtube.com/watch?v=C0-OaAGXTx8&search=star%20trek%2C%20knights%20of%20the%20round%20table

And finally, one of the more amazing Sims2 videos I’ve seen in a while: http://www.sims99.com/movie_details.php?dir=JixsTS2&id=5830 It’s big, will take about 3 minutes to download, but well worth it.