Tag Archives: Humor

Poor Brainless Cat

Poor Brainless Cat

We love Toby, we really do, but she is not the brightest crayon in the box. She laid down to relax by the pond.
I kid you not, she never noticed her tail was in the water. She never bothered to wash it, either. Well into the night, it was still damp. And the only reason she got up and got her tail out was that she was irritated by everyone laughing at her.

The Dalek Song

The Dalek Song

I need some audience participation here. The song came to me in a flash of inspiration, but I got only this far:

There’s a Dalek in my house
and I don’t know what to do
I know he wants to kill me,
‘cuz that’s what Daleks do

He always says “EXTERMINATE” and now that he can levitate, I can’t escape by climbing up the stairs!

So, feel free to make comments and suggestions, and maybe we can put this to music.