Tag Archives: General

Awwwww. . .

Awwwww. . .

I went to Shoprite after the gym (woohoo!  I went to the gym!) and it’s a really nice day.  Most of the snow is melted, the sun was out, and these little birds were having a bath in the puddles.  Sorry it’s not better quality, but I took it with the phone.

They were all over the parking lot, and when a man tried to pull into the space, the birds actually gave him what looked like a glare.  They didn’t move until they absolutely had to.



Well, even though we didn’t unpack all the boxes from the family room, we did move them out to make it more pleasant for guests (and us, as it turns out.)  Since we no longer had the world’s largest fire hazard in the room, I decided to try out the wood-burning stove.  Heaven!  OMG, I like it even more than the two-sided fireplace!  Yeah, you can’t really se the flames, but you know it’s there, and it makes the room so lovely to be in.  I even unpacked two boxes rather than leave it.  And I’m READING!  I don’t often just sit and read besides the morning newspapers lately, but with the fire going, the family room is a great place for a book and a cup of tea.  I might just move the computer in there. . .

Winding Down, Sort of

Winding Down, Sort of

So we had a lovely weekend.  The outdoor activities we’d thought might be fun had to be put aside because we got snow.  Again.  And it’s friggin’ cold out there.  And we’re supposed to get more.  Blech.

Well, the kids had no school today, so daughter #1 finished her science fair project, I did a bit of cleaning, daughter #2 played on the computer she built with her dad yesterday.  Then we shopped.  So did everyone else in Toms River, it seems.

Now it’s time to start dinner, I guess.  This time of year makes me so snoozy.