Tag Archives: General

Poor Carolina Wren!

Poor Carolina Wren!

My friend Gayle, whose brother is a birder, got me the information a while back about the bird whose song I found so entertaining. I thought it was multiple birds, but it turns out that it was a Carolina Wren with a very full tummy. These are tiny, adorable little brown feathered birds with a repertoire of song, and what I read said that they will sing continuously for up to 30 minutes after a good meal. My kind of bird!

Unfortunately, Dave’s kind of bird, too. I went out to get the mail today, and there inside one of the sandals I’d left outside the door to dry off from the beach, was a little feathered body. Audrey said she would give the cat a stern talking-to, which I told her would have little or no effect. Hubby tried to console us with the thought that the bird was probably too sick or injured to escape Dave. I assured him that the cat had amazing predatory skills. Audrey agreed. . .”Dave has mad skills” she told us. We’ll start calling him Napoleon, I guess.

My Day Thus Far

My Day Thus Far

I’ve actually gotten quite a bit accomplished.  While I would have enjoyed a few more hours of sleep, the Ativan I took just before midnight gave me a pretty nice chunk.  I went out on a walk with my neighbor Debbie, cleaned the pond filters and scooped out more string algae, then filled the pond, which was getting a bit low.  Washed five loads of laundry and hung them out to dry.  Traced the rest of the patterns for the Renaissance Faire, including grading Audrey’s from an adult 10 to a 6 because she didn’t like the girls’ size pattern. 

And in the meantime, while popping around the internet (gotta do something while babysitting the hose and the spin cycle!) I found some interesting videos on youtube.com, which led me to Why Won’t God Heal Amputees?, a very interesting site that calmly, rationally, and systematically analyzes the Bible and shows why it is not the word of God, and poses the questions you’d have to answer in order to continue believing that it is.  I often find myself getting caught in discussions with fundamentalist types who make arguments that I can contradict, but have some difficulty supporting because I don’t know the Bible chapter and verse.  The author of this site does.  And, as I said, it does so in such a way that it is not insulting to believers except in the fact that it very factually challenges their beliefs.  I’ve gone through only about half the site – there are almost 30 chapters with biblical themes, and not quite a dozen more that explore specific questions.

We were supposed to go out and get glasses, because Lenscrafters’ computers were down all weekend and we couldn’t get them right after our exams, but I think that’ll end up happening tomorrow instead.  Tomorrow, right after I get back from the cardiologist.  Fun!



We’re finally catching up and watching the episodes we’ve recorded off Sci-fi.  So last night, we saw Carter, at the end of the episode, finally passing his weapons test with his deputy, naming the guns as he adds them back to the gun rack.  “BMFG. . .” some number that I couldn’t catch because I was laughing so hard.  Clever writers, to get that past the censors.  Yeah, guys, it’s pretty obvious that stood for “Big Mother F***ing Gun”!  Ha!