Tag Archives: General

It’s Almost Over. . .

It’s Almost Over. . .

I went to the endodontist yesterday.

He loaded me up with novocaine, took out the heavy-duty dental tools, and excavated my tooth right up into the bone. By about 8 last night, the glands in my neck had shrunk down to normal size, and the pain in my temple and eye were gone. My ear still feels a little uncomfortable today, but the tooth pain is almost nonexistent.

The worst of it is the wicked awful headache.

I spent an hour and a half in the chair, and there were a couple of points where the novocaine wasn’t quite enough, so I was tensed up for most of it. Add in that I was getting serious grinding and drilling, and you have the makings of just the kind of pain I have. But it’s nothing like before, and I know it’ll get better now, because the abcess is out. I don’t want to have to use the Percocet this weekend, but I will if I have to.

Tuesday everything gets cleaned up and sealed, and Wednesday I go to a new GP to see if the ear has managed to escape an infection of its own.

I can hardly wait to start feeling normal again, and get something done during the day other than napping and popping pain pills.

Two Years Ago This Week

Two Years Ago This Week

I was recovering from surgery on my gums to treat an abcess from a root canal. I remember because I had stitches hanging out of my mouth while we were at our annual Presidents’ Day Weekend Retreat.

It looks like deja vu all over again. The pain is back with a vengeance, up into my temple, around my right eye, from my right ear down along my jawline into my throat. I have to schedule something with the endodontist (may I crash at your place until the drugs wear off, Gayle? 😉 )

The weather is so horrible today that his office might not be open, so my appointment might not be until next week. Maybe I’ll ask the dentist so phone in some more Percocet to the pharmacy.


Happy Halloween, Sinners!

Happy Halloween, Sinners!

Well, slowly but surely the kids are making inroads into their halloween candy.� We found something a bit unusual in one of the bags, though. . .


It goes on about the usual stuff – darkness, moaning and groaning, already seems like an eternity on days one, three, and six, none of your friends are there, nobody’s really in a party mood anyway, etc. I tell you, it’s really all about a loving, forgiving god. I was feelin’ the lurve all the way through. But wait! You’re actually reading the tract! That means you still have time to change your ways! Yes, God, unlike that bastige Allah, allows you to accept Jesus as your personal savior right up to the end! In fact, if you act now and fill out the form on the back, you’re set!

You know, these people could have just turned off their porch lights if they don’t like Halloween. Sheesh.