Tag Archives: General

Poor Brainless Cat

Poor Brainless Cat

We love Toby, we really do, but she is not the brightest crayon in the box. She laid down to relax by the pond.
I kid you not, she never noticed her tail was in the water. She never bothered to wash it, either. Well into the night, it was still damp. And the only reason she got up and got her tail out was that she was irritated by everyone laughing at her.

Here’s a Thought.

Here’s a Thought.

Partly because I heard a song with this in it, partly because I’m still suffering from last night’s American Idol songwriting winner.

What happens if all your dreams come true?

All your dreams have come true, now you have nothing left to anticipate or strive towards. Audrey says “you come up with new ones,” but doesn’t that defeat the purpose?

Worse still, what if someone else makes all your dreams come true?

Not only did everything you ever wanted get presented to you, but you had nothing to do with getting it. Or, if you’re a person who truly thinks it’s a good thing for someone else to make your dreams come true, what do you do now? Wait for this person to come up with new ones for you? Come up with some more for a different person to fulfill for you? Move the goalposts and make this person fulfill any new dreams you come up with?

Without your dreams, you have no purpose. Without your dreams, you’re stuck in real life without relief. Without dreams, you’ve reached the end of a life worth living.

If all my dreams were fulfilled, it would be awful. I can only hope that I’d come up with new ones, maybe some impossible ones, before the despair killed me. Any song that says “you made all my dreams come true” sounds like a terrible thing, not a happily-ever-after ending, IMO.

It’s a Lovely Day

It’s a Lovely Day

And just as soon as I feel like getting showered and dressed, I’m going out in it.

My tooth was hurting again, so the dentist filed down the crown a bit, and I scheduled a trip to the oral surgeon yesterday. His take is that it was just pressure from the crown hitting my bottom teeth before the other teeth did, so I’m taking Advil three times a day for a week to see if having it shorter helps. It does feel a lot better since it got shortened, so we’ll see.

So I had time to drive around after that, and I hit my old favorite garden centers. I came home with very few things. However, I do have some alyssum and sweet potato vine to add to the front and more peach colored verbena for the back. I have to get the Fragrant Cloud rose back into the ground with the amended soil, and do some more mulching in the back. After the back is done, I’ll focus on the big bed in front and the foundation plantings.

Our contractor expects to start work on the siding in a couple of weeks. Maybe I can get one of his guys to help the kids with the fort. . .heh. For now, they need to clean their rooms. And Audrey needs to hang up her new dresses. We went shopping on Thursday so she could have something special to wear for her graduation dance. OMG she looks so grown-up in them!! (Filene’s had them for under $30 each, so we got three. They’re not super fancy, so she’ll be able to wear them for other occasions.) My baby is starting High School. I have a whole summer to freak out about it.