More Cat Pictures.

More Cat Pictures.

We decided to try washing the big oriental rug on Sunday. Unfortunately, the weather has been damp, the sawhorses broke under the weight of the rug, all kinds of things have kept this from getting dry enough to put down inside.

It is, however, dry enough for a cat to enjoy lying on it (and shedding, of course), and she doesn’t mind the wet wool smell, either.

The kids caught Alfie being rude last night:

And that’s more than enough for one day.

Hunk-a, Hunk-a Burning Stupid!

Hunk-a, Hunk-a Burning Stupid!

I indulged this evening in a bit of websurfing, and came across a site that really made my brain hurt. I shouldn’t have been visiting the blog that linked to it, but hey, these things happen. Anywho, the guy is identifying himself as Jewish, contributing to jewish blogs, but in reality he’s christian. I mean, he’s written all these books and calls it “Jewish Trinitarianism,” but let’s be honest – you worship christ, that’s kinda where the word “Christian” came from. He is a creationist, uses links to Answers in Genesis, but simultaneously sneers at Ken Ham’s vision of dinosaurs. He links atheism with all the other ills of the world, and uses a quote by G. K. Chesterton to sum them up (Chesterton abhorred the treatment of Jews by the Nazis, but was otherwise known for his anti-semitism, partly from frequent mentions of “the Jewish problem” in many of his writings.) He cheers the Christians who support Israel, apparently unaware that many of them do so because they believe the “End times” will begin once all the Jews are over there. He’s quite liberal with “scientists say this” and “studies prove” to support his seriously non-scientific viewpoints, like that T-Rex was a swimmer, and many of the broken rib bones in fossils came from the big guys doing belly flops. However, he provides no links or any other information that might lead you to the supposed research that supports him. Plenty of links, though, to sites that “disprove evolution” and malign non-theists, all of which spew out the same religionist pap that makes up sciency-sounding stuff that reaches exactly the conclusion you’d get if you were trying to prove the bible without actually doing any science. Oh, wait, that’s what they do. Nevermind.

He throws in some stuff about software and electronic gadgets, with his advice about what’s good and what’s not, but if his technology expertise is anything like his scientific knowledge, I’d steer clear of it. He also photoshopped a picture so you could see the UFO in it (so you know it must be true, ‘cuz photoshop doesn’t make fake pictures???) and further supports his evidence by saying that Greeks and Romans saw UFOs, too.

I’m debating here, should I link, and risk drawing his attention? Might the blog I shouldn’t have been at in the first place become aware that I’m sneaking in looks here and there? Heck, I haven’t even pasted in some of the more egregious or bizarre quotes, for fear that someone looking for a quoted passage might find both me and him on the same Google search page. Worst of all, some of you, my few but treasured readers, might find your brains or your beverages spewed all over your monitors if you clicked on the link! The horror! Only if you think you can take it – I’m willing to take the chance of being invaded if you’re willing to handle the stupid-fication.

A Couple of Pics

A Couple of Pics

Alfie and Edgar are learning some of the essential lessons of being a good pet. One of them is to let your humans pose you for pictures, even if they make you look ridiculous:


Such cute little kitten bellies!!!

And today I finally got my first pair of bifocals:


I’m actually very happy with them. I’ll have to get used to tilting my head to center my focus for close or far, but at least I won’t be losing my glasses, having to take them off and put them on depending on what I’m looking at.