Category Archives: General

Happy Halloween, Sinners!

Happy Halloween, Sinners!

Well, slowly but surely the kids are making inroads into their halloween candy.� We found something a bit unusual in one of the bags, though. . .


It goes on about the usual stuff – darkness, moaning and groaning, already seems like an eternity on days one, three, and six, none of your friends are there, nobody’s really in a party mood anyway, etc. I tell you, it’s really all about a loving, forgiving god. I was feelin’ the lurve all the way through. But wait! You’re actually reading the tract! That means you still have time to change your ways! Yes, God, unlike that bastige Allah, allows you to accept Jesus as your personal savior right up to the end! In fact, if you act now and fill out the form on the back, you’re set!

You know, these people could have just turned off their porch lights if they don’t like Halloween. Sheesh.

Time to Learn WordPress.

Time to Learn WordPress.

I was up visiting Gayle yesterday and today, and the blog had been attacked by yet another couple of spambots. Hubby has set up a wordpress account so we can play around and then move everything over. I’ll let everyone know when we’re switching.

Right now, my brain is a bit too fried to absorb too much information about the program. The drive home was long and stressful because of the rain. Why the heck are drivers so resistant to the idea of putting on their headlights when it’s raining? And for that matter, why are some drivers resistant to slowing down a bit when the roads are wet? Put those two together – the ones driving like they’re the only ones on a straight dry road, and the ones who are essentially invisible, and it makes for a really good adrenal gland workout. Idjits.