Category Archives: General

It’s a Lovely Day

It’s a Lovely Day

And just as soon as I feel like getting showered and dressed, I’m going out in it.

My tooth was hurting again, so the dentist filed down the crown a bit, and I scheduled a trip to the oral surgeon yesterday. His take is that it was just pressure from the crown hitting my bottom teeth before the other teeth did, so I’m taking Advil three times a day for a week to see if having it shorter helps. It does feel a lot better since it got shortened, so we’ll see.

So I had time to drive around after that, and I hit my old favorite garden centers. I came home with very few things. However, I do have some alyssum and sweet potato vine to add to the front and more peach colored verbena for the back. I have to get the Fragrant Cloud rose back into the ground with the amended soil, and do some more mulching in the back. After the back is done, I’ll focus on the big bed in front and the foundation plantings.

Our contractor expects to start work on the siding in a couple of weeks. Maybe I can get one of his guys to help the kids with the fort. . .heh. For now, they need to clean their rooms. And Audrey needs to hang up her new dresses. We went shopping on Thursday so she could have something special to wear for her graduation dance. OMG she looks so grown-up in them!! (Filene’s had them for under $30 each, so we got three. They’re not super fancy, so she’ll be able to wear them for other occasions.) My baby is starting High School. I have a whole summer to freak out about it.

It Still Beats the Alternative.

It Still Beats the Alternative.

I’ve been busybusybusy working in the garden. It’s shaping up beautifully. About 15-20 more bags of mulch are needed for the back, but the weeding, pruning, and planting are done (except for maintenance, of course. We have English Ivy and Euonymus and Japanese Holly, so I’ll be yanking up root runners forever.) I have moved so many shrubs, it’s not funny. The fish are already swimming excitedly to the surface of the pond when I come out – “Look!! It’s FOOD LADY!!!!” Gotta replant the aquatic plants and do some pond vacuuming this weekend, then it should be nothing but food and chemicals and filter rinsing, none of them particularly hard jobs.

My mom gave me four rose plants that are vigorous and fragrant (to combat the dog poop smell from the neighbors’ houses) (well, also because she loves roses and wants me to have some, too) and three of them were quite happy to go into the ground. Fragrant Cloud, though, began drooping almost immediately. I watered, I had filled the hole with the happy rose stuff mom gave me, but it looked like it was on death’s door. I figured I couldn’t make it worse, so I dug it back up and plopped it in a pot of water. Well. Less than 24 hours later, even the buds are standing up straight. Persnickety plant. I’m going to hit a garden center to get some soil amendments and replant it with some Soil Moist crystals, too.

So, anyway, that all relates to the title of this post because I’ve been very sore and stiff from all this garden work. That’s not a surprise, because I haven’t been using these muscles to this extent in ages. What is surprising, though, is how much harder it suddenly is to get up from the ground! Whether I’m kneeling, sitting, or crouching, getting upright is now a process instead of something I do without much thought. It doesn’t hurt, it’s just that it takes more of an effort to get a response from the muscles and change my balance as I get up. It happens in stages rather than in one smooth motion.

So, it’s not just gray hairs and wrinkles and hot flashes. Just another one of those things you kind of sort of know is coming with age that nevertheless takes you by surprise. I’m not bothered or upset about it, just observing it as part of the process. Because I’m not old, you know. Just getting older. And that is definitely better than not getting older.

Writer’s Block

Writer’s Block

I have so many things going on in my head that I can write about none of them. Not right now, at least.

I will tell you about the spider.

We have more spiders here at the Jersey Shore than anywhere else I’ve ever been. Not just numbers, but variety. So it was not surprising or disturbing when one started crawling all over my monitor. For the most part, it kept to the frame, but it kept coming close to the screen. When Carolyn saw it, she suggested that maybe it would be interested in a moving cursor.

Sure enough, when it got to the edge of the screen, I’d move the cursor around in circles, and the spider would watch, fascinated, for a good number of seconds. Spiders can’t turn their heads, so it did this little dance to keep the cursor in view. Too bad it was dark in here – I would have filmed it. Maybe next time.