Category Archives: General

The Cult of Marching Band

The Cult of Marching Band

We hosted a band competition on Saturday. Preparations were intense, everyone had lots of things to do. I was there from 11AM to 11:30PM, with a break for lunch, then the kids had a sleepover afterwards. I stayed and chatted with another mom for a while. Sunday I was slightly better than walking dead. Tonight is rehearsal for Audrey, helping with Bingo for me, then tomorrow is a parents’ meeting, Wednesday is rehearsal again, Friday is a football game, and Saturday is a competition.

I’ve never gotten excited about the approach of Thanksgiving until this year.

More on Toby. . .

More on Toby. . .

The vet graciously took care of Toby as well when I brought Judy in for her checkup. She says that Toby’s injuries are consistent with trying to climb under a chain-link fence. She has a bit of a fever, so we have antibiotics for her, and we’re going to try some thyroid pills to fatten her up. (Maybe if she gets those hormones balanced, it’ll be easier to keep her indoors.) I am so overjoyed to have her home and on her way to recovered health. I might get a bag of potato chips that she can have all to herself. . .