Author Archives: Alison

Squeezy Puppy!

Squeezy Puppy!

Stopped at the dollar store – saw this hideous thing – had to have it. . .


It’s ugly. It’s filthy. It has an unpleasant texture. It’s a hideously unnatural color. But it gets worse.


It’s filled with little bones. I was laughing so hard it hurt. Then Audrey made it worse – she said, “It’s squeezy. It’s a puppy. What’s not to like?” Anyone who remembers what I used to be like when I heard “This is an unsuccessful encyclopedia salesman. This is two unsuccessful encyclopedia salesmen.” can imagine what I was like at that point. I almost walked into a newspaper machine. My family will torment me by saying “squeezy puppy” to me when I least expect it now. . .

Typing One-Handed!

Typing One-Handed!

Oh, the things we do for our kids! Saturday was the day of the band competition hosted by our school. Lots to do, much rushing around, and of course I had made enough cookies to feed an army. I came into the school holding them in one large metal tray, and as I made my way through the doorway, the corner of the heavy steel door smashed into the back of my hand, sandwiching it with the metal tray. Ouchies.

Of course, I then stayed until the competition was over, and took the band daughter home before heading to the emergency room. Lucky for me, the hospital had a minor emergency department (which was just about to close) so I was in and out in no time. Nothing’s broken, but I’m in a splint for a couple of days.

Good thing the metal splinter I got under my fingernail on the right hand doesn’t hurt too much. Got that moving band equipment on Friday. Marching Band is one heck of a dangerous activity!