The kids are heading back to school tomorrow. It’s amazing how fast the summer has gone. We’ve been to the beach a few times, went to a Hindu wedding, hosted a killer Fourth of July party, did work on the house, installed a pond in the back yard and stocked it with fish. All in all, except for way too much rain and a neighbor whose car stereo is loud enough to shake the house, and often does, the summer’s been pretty darned good.
Author Archives: Alison
This weekend
Man, the weather’s finally looking beautiful, and it’s time to spend more money on the house. So we’re going to go to an art festival instead.
And when it rains on Sunday, we’ll bitch and moan that we can’t do anything outside. Then I’ll hit the garden centers alone during the week and bat my eyes and get the big strong guys who work there to carry all the stuff to my car. I have to do this on a day I can walk the kids home, because I then won’t be able to get the garden stuff out of the car, so there won’t be room in it for children. All this planning – good thing I have a college education.
My husband says he’s very happy I’ve had nothing to say for a month and a half. I have had plenty to say, just not to him. Heh. And actually, not here. It seems that kids in my daughter’s school have figured out that if my address is “”, that there must be an “” And there you have it, underage readers that you know about, whose parents know you, and who are much larger than you are (since you’re a tiny person) who would happily beat the poop out of you. Oh, well.
Look, I’ve been using a new spam eliminator called spam bully that really beats up on spam, so it feels like I never get any real mail at all *SOB!!!* However, I still have to go through the spam occasionally to make sure nothing I want is getting eliminated. This means that I still have to read the titles and first three lines, and wonder what kind of mentality it takes to figure out that someone who has put “Viagra” “Cialis” “meds” and such into their spam filter might somehow be interested, instead, in “V_I+A”G)r_A” or “Ci39qalio9us” or b_s_ M_d_s” This is even stupider than the telemarketers who want to block the do not call list so that they can pay people by the hour to call people who will NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER buy anything over the phone from companies they’ve never heard of!!! Look, if you call me from a “charity”, I’m going to ask you how much you contributed, and give an equal amount (100% ZERO!!!!) And look, no matter how many mails you send me advertising increased size, satisfaction, or other ease of use of certain parts of my anatomy, if I don’t POSSESS those particular attributes, you’re barking up the wrong tree. I’m trying to figure out who’s more stupid – the people who send out male-porn-focused mail to people who clearly don’t belong to the demographic, or the people who PAY these people to send out mail to people who clearly don’t belong to the demographic. (Of course, at this point, I’m using words that are way too big, even though I’ve had far more alcohol than most people reading this. . .)