Author Archives: Alison

Just to play some mind games,

Just to play some mind games,

I promise that on this site, there will be no talk of lolitas, Nabokov’s or otherwise.  Nor will you find any references to lonely housewives.  I will not mention discount medications, pharmaceuticals, or pills, and especially not specific ones like Viagra, Cialis, or even the little blue pill.  You will see nothing seductive, titillating, hot, or stimulating.  Oh, and definitely nothing kinky.  Eww.  No porn of any kind – no S&M, no bondage, not even panties or stiletto heels.  Don’t expect to find anything dirty, nasty, anything like that.  It won’t be here, so don’t bother. 

On the other hand, after we’re settled, I might get to work on the praying mantis costume.

Denial or Laziness?

Denial or Laziness?

I’m having a lot of trouble getting myself started today.  Did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, passed some time with the neighbors.  OK, so do I have to drive up to the lawyer’s office so he can check out the mortgage commitment papers, and drop off the saturated saxophone for repairs, but I really do need to get off my behind and pack.  Oh, well, I’ll probably get frenzied and do it pretty soon.  And I’ll be giving the lizard and her terrarium away, so that kind of counts as packing, right?

Here’s What I’m Talking About!

Here’s What I’m Talking About!

When I started fiddling around with the camera on my phone (sometimes things that do too many things are worse than things that do only one thing. . .) a woman came from the far end of the parking lot, crossing traffic going into the lot, brought her cart all the way up to the store, and left it (it’s the one in the middle.)  What the heck is wrong with people that they go all the way up to where the carts are stored, and then leave them NEAR the other carts?  How much more effort does it take to push the cart in?  I’m really curious as to what is going on in these people’s minds.  If anyone out there has a clue, let me know, because I sure can’t figure it out.