Author Archives: Alison

Stupid Commercials

Stupid Commercials

We’ve been hearing a lot of them on the radio since the whole moving thing started.  Of course, anything from Friendly’s is stupid; I don’t know how their ad agency stays in business (and Teriyaki Chicken. . .topped with cheese. . .is just gross.)  However, even daughter #2 figured out how dumb the new one from Meineke was.  The scenario is a guy talking about his romantic wedding in a remote country church, and how after he gets lost, his car goes into a ditch because he didn’t get his brakes fixed at Meineke.  So while he’s waiting to get out of the ditch, his bride and best man, who’ve been in love behind his back, get married.  He concludes that the moral of the story is that he should have gotten his brakes fixed.  Carolyn was making a funny face at this, and had already figured out that in this case, the guy was clearly better off not having had his brakes fixed.  Duh.  Yeah, I should have fixed my brakes so I could have married her and then divorced her later when I found out she was cheating on me. 

In the New House!

In the New House!

I’m sitting down. I’m blogging. This will be brief, because there’s so much more to do. However, we’re in. The old house is ready to go. This one has a lot fewer boxes than it did, thanks in a big way to mom and dad, who stayed over a couple of nights. It gave hubby time to do wiring and furniture putting-together. We’re very, very tired.

I have to get fixtures for the master bath, storage for the kitchen (pull-outs and racks and stuff – the kitchen has space, it just needs to be set up), some yard care things (who’d’a thunk we could forget a rake, eh?). We need to get mattresses for the kids, and we can’t put their bedrooms together until their rugs are installed.

It’s good, though. The neighborhood is quiet, but we’ve met a few of the neighbors already. I’ve cooked a real dinner for the first time in what seems like weeks. The cats have learned their way back home. The dog will even have a bunch of friends to play with.

We’ve found a good sushi place and a good Chinese place, we’ve located the supermarket, and Lowe’s and Target are just a stone’s throw away. In another week, we should be ready to start getting things out of storage and seeing if and where they fit.

Once I’m more together and my PC is set up, I’ll tell more and give out props.

More Intelligent Design!!!!

More Intelligent Design!!!!

OK, so the Kansas Board of Education has not only voted to include ID in the science curriculum, but. . .get this. . .redefined “science” so that ID could legitimately be taught.  Think of the possibilities!  Not only does the new definition allow for far more variety in the science curriculum (for example, ghosts and alien abductions now fit the bill – so much more fun than chemistry, too!) but it also means that scads of obstacles can now be removed simply be redefining them!  Can’t balance your checkbook?  Redefine “math”.  Having trouble with your weight?  Redefine “obesity”.  A whole world of possibilities opens up simply by redefining other school subjects, like history, literature, heck – phys ed will even be fun!  The standards for things like art and music can be changed to suit whoever’s in charge, and foreign languages will be a breeze after all we have to do is speak english really, really loudly and slowly and add an “o” to the end of every word.  It’s a new world order, folks, and if you thought American education was behind that of other developed nations’, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!