Author Archives: Alison

System maintenance

System maintenance

If you are or were having problems with the site today, 9 12/19/2005, well, I’m sorry. I was attempting to upgrade the blog software, and lost a configuration file.

Of course, the file was not on the backup. We are reviewing our procedures to prevent problems like this in the future.

Those responsible will be sacked.

We’re a Bunch of Sadists.

We’re a Bunch of Sadists.

I’m getting a tad bit concerned about my upcoming Praxis 2 exam in Spanish, so hubby suggested I talk to myself in Spanish to practice.  Since I don’t normally talk to myself, I started talking to the dog in Spanish instead.  Well. . .every time I talk to her, she stands stock still and stares at the ceiling (especially funny when I’m pointing to the floor and saying something like “suelo” – the word for “floor”.)  So now I’m talking to her all the time in Spanish, and the poor dog doesn’t know what the heck is going on.  Sometimes she starts getting excited and jumping all over as if she’s looking for something, but in very short order, she’s scoping out the ceiling.  I can’t imagine, but perhaps her first ten months of life (while she was being abused, before we got her) she heard Spanish.  Or maybe she’s just. . .a dog.

IM smartter den U.

IM smartter den U.

OK, I’m just not getting this.  Kids posting on another blog stuff like this:

Hey resa your a dumb bitch these are comments not essays. Its like a conversation. I actually know who Wow is personally and he takes honors classes and is on high honor role. How could you call GRstudent and elequent writer. Fucking dumb bitches. Go Fuck yourselves.

Posted by: Proper | Dec 15, 2005 3:24:23 PM

And that was defending this person:

the lousy synths etc were done on purpose to add to the “humor” of the music. They put the beats together in five minutes it was suppose to be cheesy.
Maybe their not performing because their not serious about their rap. Some of them have other musical interests.
Most of the kids who were “threatened” said they didnt care. I think its embarrasing for them having to be treated like victims of some crime.
On another note id like to go on a rant to ruin this blog for all you losers who
enjoy it.
D***** G*****- why are you such a loser?
POsting gossip stories on an online “coffee shop” site. maybe you like blendding yourself into Jewish stereotypes. Your a petty journalist. You should be happy PHT didnt make fun of your bitch of a daughter. Hey hrhppg. I’m guessing your a ditzy house wife whose incredibly moralistic and can’t really put things into perspective. Why dont you get a job and stop bitching on the internet. you might feel better about yourself.

Posted by: WOw | Dec 14, 2005 4:21:34 PM

And I’m thinking. . .holy cow.  These are upper middle class honor roll kids.  That’s one of the scariest things I can think of.  Some teacher(s) read the stuff these kids write and graded them highly.  We’d better start building us some more country club jails, I think.