Author Archives: Alison

My So-Called Life

My So-Called Life

Well, obviously, I am devastated by the burning insults coming from elementary school computer labs. I shall go hide in a corner and mourn my patheticness. Um, actually, I won’t. I have too much else to do.

All the pets have now gone to the vet. Time to get them licensed. I thought that the licensing was done at the animal shelter, but unfortunately, it’s not. So I’ll have to take the chitlins to the animal shelter to pet the cats another day. There was a man at the vet with a dog he’d adopted on Saturday who looked like a cattle dog mix. He was so well-behaved, calm, and friendly. . .no! Stop! No more animals!!!

The roofer came today to clean up and try to get the crank attached to the new skylight, but it didn’t fit, so I’ll be seeing him again in a couple of weeks when the part arrives.

Went out to Ken’s Hardware and got an armload of stuff. Is it strange for a woman to enjoy shopping in a hardware store? I was having the greatest time! When the kids got home, we went shopping to get some anti-squirrel equipment for the bird feeder, and then headed to Barnes & Noble for one book. Just one. One specific one. Of course, we walked out with just a few more.

Oh, and I had something else to talk about, but I keep forgetting. It’s the stupid legislation to give money to the Jets for a new corporate headquarters – what’s up with that? – and to make it illegal for people to sue if they get hit by a baseball at a baseball game – inoccuous at first glance, but it’s legislation specifically designed to overturn a state supreme court decision. Obviously, our local sports teams have lobbyists in their operating budgets.

It’s a Good Start!

It’s a Good Start!

I slept in, but not so late that I missed Weight Watchers.  I lost 3.4 pounds!  Plus, the blinds people have confirmed that they’re coming, and so has the freezer delivery guy.  Now if I could get the roofer, my life would be complete.

Well, that’s a little much, but it sure would make me happy.

Note:  Today rocks.  The roofer is going to be here in a half an hour.  Woohoo!

Cat of Little Brain

Cat of Little Brain

It’s a beautiful day.  Since I had to clear a path for the freezer to come in tomorrow anyway, I opened up a bunch of doors to let the fresh air in, and to make it easier to move and empty boxes.  The door into the garage and the garage door are open.  The laundry room door is open.  The slider in the bedroom is open.  The kitchen door is open, but it has a screen.  First Toby went to that one and howled to get out.  Then she went here:

Mind you, this is after coming >in< from the bedroom.

Dumb as a stump, but we love her dearly.