Author Archives: Alison

Mr Alison and Sons LTD. . .

Mr Alison and Sons LTD. . .

Don’t go buying anything else from canon, dude.  You registered as Mr. Alison, left all your information, and I changed it all.  Next time you log on to the Canon Club, you’ll be Mr. Stupidhead.  I left your password the same for now, but rest assured, if you change it, I’ll be notified.


Update:  Just for ha-has, I checked a couple of the Chinese character e-mails that had some English in them.  Mr. Alison, your packages have been shipped.  Too bad you won’t get the tracking numbers.

Irritating Person of the Week

Irritating Person of the Week

Twice so far (on the Internet, of course) during this week, I’ve run into long diatribes by people who are so far superior to the rest of us that they feel they need to nitpick and criticize for many posts and paragraphs – all filled with spelling errors and grammatical errors.  From where I stand, if you can’t spell “imbecile”, you’re in no position to call someone one.  One was a snootyboots complaining about people misusing the english language, appalled in particular because she’s a teacher.  Oh, the grammar was atrocious.  If she hadn’t gotten so hot and bothered, I would have thought she was a troll.  The second was a fellow who got persnickety with someone about how he wasn’t paying enough attention to detail – I mean, how hard is it to run something through a spellchecker, you miserable excuse for a human, he starts, then fills the entire screen with “manditory”, “carreerr”, “asperation”, “perminantly”, “definately”, “personallity”, “sinse”, “implimentation”, “permotions”, “concidered”, “enimies”, “loose” (instead of “lose”, used several times), “consiquences”, “benifits”, “to each thy own”, (Oh, and here’s a good one stuck in the middle “forgive me my misspellings, if any”) “origonating entitys”, “concequential” (note previous spelling. . .hmmm.) “irrelivant”, and “concidere”.  He tells the recipient, a moderator and frequent contributor at ModTheSims2, “One day if I ever post one of my careers here you will see that a standard should be at least set at at least a quarter that height.”  Ah, so this is the reason we don’t have any way of knowing how superlative a person he is – he hasn’t actually >done< any of the things he’s denigrating by others.  But he knows he’s better than the other people who’ve actually done anything, which is why he doesn’t need a spell checker.  Heh.

DAMN that Paxil!!!

DAMN that Paxil!!!

OK, another bad night, heartbeat is just throbbing like mad, so I thought “Well, let’s see if this is something from the Paxil that’ll go away. . .”

Sure enough, I get onto, and sure enough, there’s my symptoms.  On top of that, it looks like Paxil can cause or worsen mitral valve prolapse – a problem my mother has, which means it’s a definite possibility for me.  I also found out that I need to almost triple the amount of magnesium I’m taking in order to alleviate the problem.  I know I bitched about the attitudes of some people at the beginning of my withdrawal, but they really do have a lot of good information, and are probably the most valuable resource for people on, or getting off of, Paxil that I’ve found on the Internet.