Author Archives: Alison

More Slimy Foley Stuff

More Slimy Foley Stuff

This time from the folks who are trying to make us think that Foley’s an innocent victim. Both Matt Drudge and Rush Limbaugh posit that the IMs were pranks, or plants by Democrats to “lure” Foley (Limbaugh and Hastert). I can’t find the link now, but another Limbaugh transcript had him saying that the pages were pulling a boyish prank on Foley, as boys do – and he remembers doing such stuff himself. Ick. Here’s a list of Whom To Blame Besides Foley Himself that will make your stomach churn. Fox News circumvented all this creativity, and simply changed the caption under its Foley news stories to show him as D-FL – removing all Republican blame by turning him into a Democrat instead. Further examples of Republican moral values can be found here, if we’re not yet convinced that we have the wrong people in office. I tried finding a similar list for the Dems, but I suppose nobody’s quite as angry with them right now as they are with the GOP. They’re not innocent or exonerated, just looking better and better every day.

Spammers Must Die!

Spammers Must Die!

I know that’s an extreme statement, but let me tell you, when you get three spambots from different IPs posting spam comments all up and down your blog, and have to go through not only blocking them but deleting all their comments, you get a little peeved.  I wish I were some kind of sooper hacker and could find a way to send them stuff that would keep them tied up for hours trying to get rid of it.  Maybe someone out there will invent a virus that targets only spammers that WE can install on OUR computers.  One can only hope.

But You Have to Laugh. . .

But You Have to Laugh. . .

I haven’t completely lost my sense of humor.  I’m limited in what I can do, and in order to get to anything below waist level, I need to bend at the knees, back straight, or hold onto something for balance and leverage, or do a bend over on my right leg only, sticking the left out straight back.  As I was doing this for what seemed like the umpty-millionth time in the bathroom (mmmm. . .coffeeeeee!!!) I was reminded that Carolyn told me last night that it looked like I was doing an arabesque, and so for today’s entertainment, I present to you. . .


Plie’!  Grasp lid, and releve’!

Turn!  Plie’! Sit!

(curtain closes for intermission while the mundane aspects are undergone)


Turn, arabesque, and flush!

Grasp lid, and plie’!

Releve’, turn, and don’t forget to switch off the light!

Thunderous applause!!!