So I manage to get an appointment squozed in with the doctor, and my ears and throat look fine, but I’m running a fever. She says it’s either a virus (which has been going around with no symptoms other than the head a body aches, and which there is no medicine for) or it’s my tooth again. The second option leads me to call the dentist, but he’s on vacation until the 4th, which is when I have an appointment anyways. Sigh. Well, last night I was sweating like mad, because the fever broke, and I slept until 8:30 this morning, so the only thing that hurts is my head. The top, not the side. I’ll take some Clarinex and see what happens. It’s a beautiful day, and while I don’t have a heck of a lot of energy, I’d like to take the pooch out for at least a little walkie. I need to feel much, much better by lunchtime tomorrow (wink at Gayle!)