Don’t Bother Trying to Explain Evolution. . .

Don’t Bother Trying to Explain Evolution. . .

I was bopping around a few links from Orac’s blog (Respectful Insolence, added to the blogroll on the right today) and found this little gem from the letters to the editor in a local paper in South Carolina.   My mind is already a little low-functioning from sinuses squeezing my brain out my ears, but this kind of jolted me into awareness:

Bible tells the truth about our creation

Why is it that these evolutionists are trying so hard to deny that God created the Earth and all that is on it? Now we have an “educated” minister who claims that seminaries have proved that the beginning chapters of the Bible were not written according to the Word of God, but by unknown authors and added to the Bible by some editor. How about the words in John 1:1-4?

I don’t think much of a minister who felt it was more important to preach about things he didn’t believe, rather than risking his post by not pleasing his (ignorant) congregation.

The theory of evolution does not and cannot explain so much about the universe that we know. For instance, when and how did water evolve? How does it happen that gravity can hold us to the Earth, and at the same time allow us to step up without any trouble? How did it happen that the Earth is spinning at the exact rate that keeps us from feeling that movement?

I find it much easier to believe that Genesis tells us the truth of the creation when we know from God’s own Word that nothing is impossible for him to do.
Carol Crooks, Greer


OK, I know, I know. . .the Bible is the word of God because it says it is.  That’s the infallible truth.  And Sun Myung Moon is the second coming of Christ – because he says he is.  I hate when people use the Bible as proof of itself.  Logic is an elective course at the college level – this is clearly a failing of our educational system.  The first few sentences set the tone. . .my head was primed and ready to explode by the time I got to “when and how did water evolve?”  OMG!!!  The pain, Will, the pain!!!  It’s hydrogen and oxygen, Carol, it didn’t evolve!  Just because yours might contain some chlorine, maybe benzene, and who knows what else, or maybe it comes out of the tap a little brown, doesn’t mean your water has evolved.  (BTW, God didn’t put the chlorine and benzene in it, either.)  And, of course, there is no gravity. . .we’re stuck on the inside of a hollow earth.  It’s centrifugal force.  Dang, they don’t teach much in school down there.  And don’t tell Carol, but she’s one of the few who doesn’t feel the movement of the earth.  Most people can’t get through their day without their vertigo meds.  Heh.

Yes, it is easier to believe Genesis, because it’s so much less complicated than actual proven facts.  There are just so many of them, it’s impossible to keep track, gosh darn it!  Thank goodness we have “theologians” who’ll break it down into nice little sound bites for us, so that people like Ann Coulter can tell us the truth.

I need to give my brain a rest, now. . .time to shelve hundreds of books.