Yes, it’s an ear infection. Both ears. And a sore throat. Got a doctor’s appointment, got Cipro (I joked that I’d be prepared for anthrax, too!) and ear drops. Owowow.
We were all ready for the plumber to come and fix the water main today. Hubby filled the tub with water so we’d have something while the water was shut off. I got the dishes cleaned up. Plumber came, said he’d have to wait until Friday or Saturday to do it. Sheesh. At least he told us, instead of leaving us guessing, like the disappearing roofer.
I applied online to take the last test I need – an oral exam in Spanish. I could go back to the Superintendent’s office and get the name, a half dozen phone numbers, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, first born child of a Proctor, or I could just drive up to Yonkers and speak Spanish for 30 minutes. Yes, I’m going to Yonkers. However, I’ll swing into Manhattan and do a little shopping and then have dinner with a friend on the same trip, so it’s all good.
So I decide, finally, that I have my prescription and I feel like crap, I’m going to lie down. Pond guy calls, says he’ll be over in 30 minutes. No nap for me. But we know how to maintain the pond now.
Dinner is over, I’m just trying to stay awake long enough to sleep until it’s really, really time to get up instead of 4AM.
Oh, and LaundryCam is back up, but I’ll change the refresh rate if I’m doing stuff, just to warn you. . .