And here I thought it was me.
Actually, I’ve been off doing stuff all day (or even home doing stuff) and none of it has been blogging.
Went to the gym, went to get a manicure, did the food shopping. Cleaned up after the dog and cats and the family, made or attempted many phone calls (doctor’s office had a busy signal all day. I hope I can get through tomorrow!)
What took a bit of time (when I should have been doing other stuff) was trying to make sims for Mod The Sims2 to demonstrate what I was looking for in an “Asian Sims” contest. First, it took me ages last night to find appropriate photos, and I ended up with only Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Filipino, and Indian faces. People were trying to simplify what “Asian” looked like, some others took offense at that, and eveyone was jumping all over each other, so I thought that taking real faces from different countries would show what variety existed under the term “Asian”, and also give people a challenge that would show what the point was – that creating certain facial types is difficult using the software provided in the game. Just to get the ball rolling, I made my Korean woman and man. I think I came relatively close without using custom content (except for my own.)
Whaddaya think?
Tomorrow I’m all over the place. Hopefully, I won’t have any “interesting” stories to tell.