I Hate Painting Prep.

I Hate Painting Prep.

With all the furniture out, and the floors down, hubby and I started talking color for the livingroom and diningroom. Unfortunately, since the water damage in that area wasn’t limited to the floor, we knew that it would mean serious prep work. There were plenty of places where the dampness had cracked the paint, and I’m going to have to sand the walls down anyway because the paint has a texture. It’s a good thing we started scraping, though, because all this paint would have come off on the rollers of new color if we hadn’t:


Now, the house is less than 40 years old, so the walls don’t talk a heck of a lot, but what they’re saying to me here is “Who needs an exterminator when you have texture paint?!?”

Sorry it’s so huge, but hubby believes these are inoccuous bubbles in the joint compound. They look way too much like bug tunnels to me, especially with all the little brown specks inside ’em. What do you all think?